Renee Dodge

Artist + Renee Dodge

I love New Orleans.  I may not be native, but I like to think I am "local" and that drives me to create art reflective of my love for this frustratingly glorious home I adore.

My meandering path of jewelry making began with the first love beads I strung in high school. About twenty years ago I discovered the joy of wireworking, which has evolved into what I affectionately call “wearable wire sculpture.” 

Inspired by the nature and symbolism associated with Louisiana, my signature collection focuses on capturing the unique proportion, texture, and poetry of our magnificent Live Oaks. Each one carries history in its soul, expressing Louisiana’s beauty, strength, and resilience perhaps more eloquently than the fleur de lis.

Do you have a favorite Live Oak tree? Think about commissioning a piece of jewelry that will keep it always close to your heart.


Meet the Artists

Local art is the lifeblood of our culture and communities. We source work from hundreds of painters, muralists, sculptors, metal workers, printmakers, illustrators, photographers, and textile artists, every one of whom is part of your local community.

Skeleton Chrono Necklace
Forrest Bacigalupi Arts Kinetic
Forrest Bacigalupi