I am a self-taught abstract artist drawing inspiration from my accomplished artist/teacher mother, Zona Wainwright. Having graduated from LSU with a business degree and after being involved in several business "start-ups," I discovered a natural talent for the blending of colors, shapes, and textures in abstract art. From my early life in New Orleans experiencing the architectural nuances of a city-scape, to my relocation to the rolling landscape of Folsom, I have learned to blend the harsh shapes of the city with the more subtle shades and textures of the country-side, making my paintings an interesting blend of influences.
Questions & Answers
Describe your art in three words.
Describe yourself in one word.
What do you love the most about creating art in New Orleans? What particular part of your immediate environment, in your neighborhood specifically influences your work?
Finding inspiration in the simplest but most common aspects of the city, like cracks in the sidewalks, chips in the paint, and shapes of the architecture. My immediate environment - in Folsom, lends me a new influence of textures of foliage, leaves, and nature.
Describe your creative process. Are there any rituals or rites of passage you exercise before you begin a new piece?
I find that my creative process is best rooted in listening to music, allowing the images on canvas to come naturally without over-thought or complication.
Where do you draw inspiration?
The simplest textures, shapes, and hues found all around me.
Who are your artistic influences or gurus?
My mother - Zona Wainwright, a teacher of abstract at the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts, through observation of her excellent creations, but also from her gentle, guiding influence when I have the good fortune of painting at her side.
In New Orleans, art and music go hand in hand. What type of music, band or song lyric best describes your work?
I find that all music helps guide my hand and creative process, with the style of music subtly influencing my strokes or blending of colors and textures.
Where can we find you when you are not creating art?
Immersed in family, both raising two beautiful children and working side-by-side with my husband, generating home-based business or assisting in his family business.
What is your favorite time of day/day of the week/month of the year?
Family-time, as the sun sets in the Fall, enjoying a glass of wine looking out over our pond with my husband and children.
What is something people don’t know about you? A fun fact.
A secrete love of dancing, notwithstanding the time, place, or witnesses.