Street scene depicting a typical night on the infamous Bourbon Street in the heart of the French Quarter where patrons throw beads from the balconies to revelers below. A stunning piece of artwork that captures the electric energy of a bustling French Quarter night. This painting features a vibrant scene of people on a balcony, with the backdrop of a lit up cityscape and a lively crowd below. It's just another night on Bourbon!

Artist + Isabel Perez Gomez
Follow this artistSince arriving in New Orleans, I have worked to capture and intrigue the local art community with my eclectic work. I gather much of my inspiration from the colorful characters that I see everyday in my local environment. The city of New Orleans inspires me and has provided the backdrop for much of my work. This unique city is like no other place in the USA with its cultural diversity, history, architecture, music, and iconic festivals.
My "funky" style of art is unsophisticated and crude, providing a sense of freedom from ordinary life. My style emphasizes bold colors as well as a fun and vibrant vibe in which I try to find humor in the subjects that often have a serious undertone. Being able to laugh, even at ourselves, eases life's burdens. My art represents my appreciation for all people and their unique characteristics and contributions to society, making the world an interesting place to live.
I took classes at The Blue Easel Club in New Orleans, and the New Orleans Academy of Fine Art. I also studied under mural artist Pedro Vidal in Villahermosa, Mexico. I currently live in the Bywater neighborhood in New Orleans, LA.
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