Everyday I walking through my neighborhood and see all sorts back yards! I especially see many dogs doing what dogs do.

Artist + Paige DeVries
Follow this artistI received my Bachelor of Fine Arts in painting from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2013. Since graduating, I have been living and making art in New Orleans, LA. Locally, I am represented by Hall-Barnett Gallery and Where Y'art and have shown my work across the country including at Art Basel in Miami, FL.
My subject matter, the materials I use, and the process for making are natural outgrowths from my interest in reflecting my immediate community, family and friends living in New Orlean's Seventh Ward. Much of my work is inspired by participating and witnessing the weekly, sometimes daily celebrations that her family and community throws. Through BBQ's, birthdays, Second Lines, Mardi Gras Indian celebrations and calendar holidays, I observe a beautiful visual culture I don't see documented other places
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