The Selk’nam are an indigenous group that thrived for thousands of years in the southernmost archipelago of Argentina. This work is a reference to their coming of age ceremony for teenage boys called Hain. Boys were adorned in red clay body paint by their mothers and wore fur hats made from guanaco. Men disguised themselves in white and black paint to symbolize mystical spirits, while acting out origin myths. A Great Hut was built by the group, and many rites, dances and games ushered the boys into adulthood. Upon the arrival of the Europeans in the 1800s, the Selk’nam were subjected to a government-sanctioned genocide over the course of 10-15 years. Even as individuals and culture were being decimated, the Selk’nam continued to perform the Hain ritual as they were able. The paintings in this series are a response to the humanity and dignity of the Selk’nam people.

Artist + Virginia Candler
Follow this artistThe seeds of my interest in creating art began as a child when I took a class on Saturday mornings. A minor in art history, a semester studying painting in Italy and various community art classes continued to feed my appetite for making. After spending the first several years of my career in education, for nearly the past decade I have pursued my own art practice. I often return to those early experiences, especially blind contour and color theory. Inspired by shapes and colors found in nature, fashion, the human form, ancient architecture, and negative spaces, I enter an uncharted process with each new work. Applying, removing and layering paint are the backbone of my progression. Unattachment is always the goal, as every work takes on an unexpected life of its own.
My work has been featured in New Orleans retail shops including The Sunday Shop and The Good Shop, and I have participated in several group shows at the New Orleans Art Center and a Prospect New Orleans partnership show. I live in New Orleans with my partner, 3 teenagers, 2 cats and a dog.
Photo: Harlin Miller @harlinmillerjr
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