When I read Walter Isaacson's biography on Leonardo Da Vinci, in a way I thought I was reading a biography about myself. I feel such a kinship to the great Renaissance Man's life, values and demeanor that I want to do some paintings as a tribute to him. Of course, his famous drawing The Vitruvian Man is just one of his thousands of sketches, but it is one of the most recognizable and a symbol of his - and our - fascination with the beauty of proportion and anatomy. This particular painting features one of my most beautiful fascinations, the Muse Jessica; and is painted in the style I like to think of as a 'drawing come to life.'

Artist + Matty Whitcomb
Follow this artistBorn and raised in the 1000 Islands region of New York State, my family lived in a log cabin that was built from the land on which it stood, accessed by a dirt farm road beyond the power lines. This cabin is a living sculpture with a soul of its own. The house was lit by oil lamps and the water was brought in by bucket from a hand pump outside. My family held to an ideal – an adventure – that required a perseverance like nothing I’ve seen since; especially during those long Upstate NY winters. What I saw growing up has inspired and fueled my own sense of adventure that has lasted until this day.
My time growing up was spent studying and drawing the things I loved and found fascinating. I would muse over all my interests; and draw pictures of them constantly. At a young age I showed a natural artistic ability that has always been a part of me, and it has come out throughout all of my passions and interests my entire life.
But most of my life I have taken my artistic ability for granted, especially when I was younger. Drawing came naturally to me so it was always secondary to what my real interest was. It was a way to study something, not something to be studied. Nonetheless I would constantly attempt to capture my interpretation of my subjects in drawings the best I could, sometimes over and over.
These drawings got me into Architecture School. Growing up alongside my father on many building and construction projects, I had also developed a firm understanding of how things work and how things come together. Eventually I learned that designing and creating across all mediums comes from a similar place in your mind, and will come out through anything and everything you do, especially if it is a part of who you are.
Then I heard the call to adventure - the music scene in New Orleans is like no other. Playing guitar is no different to me than painting on a canvas. I was lucky to have done it every day for over a decade. I found myself onstage at many of New Orleans’ festivals and venues in many different ensembles. I played nightly and toured all over the country. I wrote songs and created art constantly from album art to merchandise, and loved every minute of it.
At some point or another we all find ourselves back to where we started. Sometimes it’s a geographical location, sometimes it’s a place in our mind, sometimes it’s both. What I’ve realized is that all along this way I have been creating art nonstop. Now more than ever I feel comfortable with who I am, and however things turn out will be perfectly acceptable to me. Now I paint my interests because I love to paint and my subjects of fascination. It’s who I have always been, but it took a little while getting there.
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